Support, Service, Spare Parts

Here is some information on service, support and spare parts for adt-audio analog mixing consoles and pro audio gear.

If you have a problem with your adt-audio Audio Equipment, please get in touch with us. We can often help you just by sending information or granting access to the customer server that contains many technical drawings. Here is the contact information for service and support at the factory:

Postal Address: Phone / Fax E-Mail / Internet

K. Juengling
4-6a, Scholtwiese
Gladbeck, D45966
Germany, NRW
Phone: +49 2043 51061
or +49 2043 56844
Fax: +49 2043 56844
24/7 AM: +49 2043 56097
Email Support

Service companies for adt-audio consoles and pro audio equipment

Bernhard Ramroth
9, Sevelener Str.
Kerken, D47647
Germany, NRW
Phone: +49 2833 92651
Fax: +49 2833 92652

Uwe Wagner
12, Sandkrug
Hamburg, D22089
Phone.: +49 40 2002889
Mobile: +49 170 839 2820

Spare Parts

If you need spare parts for adt-audio gear, please tell us the exact name and the serial number of the defective device. Of course we also need information on the particular spare parts that you need. Spares for devices that are not older than 10 years are usually available from stock or at short notice. We also store many spare parts for older devices as well as substitute parts for those parts that are no longer available. Please, specify exactly what you need. It is a good idea to include a photo in your inquiry. In any case we will send a quotation including prices, lead time - if there is any - and shipping cost.

Service at the Factory

Please, do not send in devices which are not in running production anymore, before you have got in touch with us. If you have an older, defective device, please let us know which unit you have and what kind of problem there is. We need the type name and the serial number, at least the year of manufacture, if you don't have a serial number. With this information we can usually tell if spare parts or substitute parts are still available, if repair is possible and how high the cost would be. With very old equipment it is very often only necessary to clean the entire unit and the electromechanical parts like pots and switches to bring the unit back to work again. Usually you can do this cleaning yourself easily. Please ask.



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